Our Team


Prashant is a fellow member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in India (1996-99). Prior to his accountancy qualification, Prashant has obtained a Bachelors of Commerce (Hons) degree from Sri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi (1996) and passed the final examination of Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India.  Prashant has handled numerous assignments regarding consulting & advisory for various Multinational Companies, Public Sector Undertakings, Corporate Houses, etc

Parag is a law graduate and has handled numerous litigations regarding civil & criminal. He is also legal advisor to different PSU Banks, Companies including national & multinationals, trusts, societies etc.

Anil is a member of Institute of Chartered Accountants in India since 1995. Anil has handled numerous assignments regarding audit, direct taxation (Assessment & Appeals), consulting etc for various big companies and government organisations.

Law from graduate D.A.V.P.G. College , Dehradun, Garhwal University and specializes in the practice of Indirect Taxation. Practice in the area of indirect taxation (Delhi/Noida/Gurgaon) since last 11 years. Have in depth knowledge of VAT and Service Tax. He is into providing consultancy to both corporate and non-corporate entities. He is highly dedicated towards the profession, association and towards his clients. He has a vast experience of dealing the Sales Tax Matter and regularly argues matters before the Sales Tax/DVAT Appellate Tribunal, Commissioners of Delhi Value Added Tax and other officers of the Government Department.

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